Upgrade: 'Language-ize' remaining static content
Reported by dleffler | August 11th, 2011 @ 04:20 AM | in 2.0.3 (closed)
Now that the 2.0 expLang subsystem is fully implemented and the 1.0 lang subsystem is deprecated. it might be a good idea to converts some of the static text in the templates to use the gettext (or gt) functions. E.g., The 'Save' button should become whatever 'Save' is in the selected language instead of a mix of English and selected language
Comments and changes to this ticket
expNinja November 2nd, 2011 @ 03:38 AM
(from [874d516115528168e9fb675c9e8e0b3b7114c60b]) Updates some language which breaks language system (uses double quotes, etc...) Most of the existing views reached from the slingbar are now scrubbed but need more 'language-izing [#369 ][#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/874d516115528168...
expNinja November 2nd, 2011 @ 06:59 PM
(from [46ee9df581611d2df17f8ddff2e775f4d418bd60]) Strips out double-quotes before getting into the translation routines to prevent breaking the site with a bad language file [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/46ee9df581611d2d...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 01:33 PM
(from [6a80ed7ef3bce857a1699fedd0b30dd9170d15af]) expLang replaces double-quotes with single-quote before getting into the translation routines to prevent breaking the site with a bad language file, administration module now language-ized with updated English template [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/6a80ed7ef3bce857...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 03:46 PM
(from [1d8b1f5de36996f3c3f026b3ac7804b0f6bf1713]) Language-izes text module, also makes use of updated icon plugin [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/1d8b1f5de36996f3...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 03:46 PM
(from [b64dbc3d877bfc0f9071e28b2bb5613d1a86aa4f]) Language-izes recycle bin module [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/b64dbc3d877bfc0f...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 04:17 PM
(from [abfd2d8cf60d350cd8195a76e4ea78fbfc9b16f9]) Language-izes snippet module, also makes use of updated icon plugin [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/abfd2d8cf60d350c...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 04:17 PM
(from [1f4691b12a158d9e8b1c532b0d97734447fb1180]) Removes some symbols being brought over into the language template [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/1f4691b12a158d9e...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 04:45 PM
(from [b33cd47635a8f239420a982ef4b76ca260f1295d]) Language-izes user & login modules [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/b33cd47635a8f239...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 04:53 PM
(from [39abaaf4017d7926aea6db355cbdc39c6798f8f0]) Language-izes twitter module templates [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/39abaaf4017d7926...
expNinja November 3rd, 2011 @ 04:56 PM
(from [32e63bc66cbb5468fadd6fffd81475375d2f1845]) Language-izes youtube module templates [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/32e63bc66cbb5468...
expNinja November 4th, 2011 @ 07:26 PM
(from [a8799283a7a8f8e22e98c815c80bb75d2d21b7c4]) Language-izes core & search controller templates [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/a8799283a7a8f8e2...
expNinja November 4th, 2011 @ 07:26 PM
(from [8d75776e9f092d365d45f5340dbad1ea71c26a09]) More Language-ized updates [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/8d75776e9f092d36...
expNinja November 4th, 2011 @ 09:57 PM
(from [efb2aea4d85de7e464b14938f012214a93d7c480]) More Language-ized updates to common & core views, fwiw, we can't use generic icon plugin for things like expTags, because that's the model name when we'd need to to say 'tag' instead of 'expTag' [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/efb2aea4d85de7e4...
expNinja November 5th, 2011 @ 03:04 PM
(from [87fced95b0592bc56cc84c43ab947784031e0d55]) Makes writeTemplate a static method since it's called that way, updates the English phrase library [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/87fced95b0592bc5...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 01:56 PM
(from [5de833cc3d9ed22ee1d353f23d760a8527b15f45]) Adds flowplayer 'skin' selection & languagizes flowplayer [#378 milestone:2.0.3 owner:dleffler] [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/5de833cc3d9ed22e...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 06:26 PM
(from [1b876fa802da1e0e9d92caed3a38b5e90dcbfc54]) Adds option to display media player (flowplayer) in filedownloads if file is mp3, flv or f4v, also languagizes filedownloads [#379 state:resolved milestone:2.0.3 owner:dleffler] [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/1b876fa802da1e0e...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 09:14 PM
(from [1830f0435ce6c49d0d4e55fcf059bd129a9ac4fe]) More Language-ized updates to file, portfolio, & rss modules, and other minor edits [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/1830f0435ce6c49d...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 09:33 PM
(from [b8b82cd0a5a88267fe2b15cba8985e9881348b89]) More Language-ized updates to not found, photoalbum, & pixidou modules, and other minor edits [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/b8b82cd0a5a88267...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 09:47 PM
(from [45e1c3cb9945cfe272659c823fa94a2db385d3e8]) More Language-ized updates to news module [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/45e1c3cb9945cfe2...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 10:11 PM
(from [bf0e1a841c8d0a9271936f5c2434f1b115bfa81a]) More Language-ized updates to migration & motd modules [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/bf0e1a841c8d0a92...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 10:29 PM
(from [7268a7a3296e7f5f8fcada4dea54894aa2016a20]) More Language-ized updates to help & links modules [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/7268a7a3296e7f5f...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 10:45 PM
(from [05b06fe0ee82d1410bcf80aff926a91782e9b4f8]) More Language-ized updates to headline, flickrfeed, faq, & importexport modules, and all 'buttongroups' [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/05b06fe0ee82d141...
expNinja November 8th, 2011 @ 11:22 PM
(from [916023ea2f223618fdb1dad0e1d0dbc814d95e30]) More Language-ized remaining modules for the most part [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/916023ea2f223618...
expNinja November 9th, 2011 @ 01:08 AM
(from [a8cc018090c73613b7de045283d39bf6b6a92f21]) More Language-ized remaining old school modules, required revising some calendar display code to language-ize the recurring part of the form.
At this point the following still remains: - E-commerce hasn't been touched except for the buttons - There are some of the delete confirm statements that aren't language-ized - The .tpl file probably need to be reviewed to make sure i caught everything - The text injected by the controller (not in a .tpl) is still mostly hard-coded, but should be updated - There are still a lot of phrases that haven't been 'tripped' across to have them added to the default phrase library (English - US.php) - There should probably be a general consolidation of some of the phrases so the translation file is smaller, yet would have a greater impact across the system. e.g., break apart a long phrase into the portion that is used most often, and 'cat' it to the remainder of the phrase. - There are probably still some 'bad' phrases in the templates, though they won't break the system (anymore), they won't translate. These would be ones with symbols like quotes, etc... [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/a8cc018090c73613...
expNinja November 11th, 2011 @ 03:32 AM
(from [09ab1fd2e8676e8a35ee2657d5584b40c508a955]) Adds some additional info to manage languages view, including an automated translation command (requires a Bing API value constant being set), also includes a new spanish translation ran through the automated translator [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/09ab1fd2e8676e8a...
expNinja November 11th, 2011 @ 04:50 AM
(from [7db7ab7dbb3c03129ee8c33abc2338d3d34429d3]) Fixes some quirks with language in install & login [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/7db7ab7dbb3c0312...
expNinja November 11th, 2011 @ 12:35 PM
(from [30b3809b13b4e0152231a57760148dae5b56725e]) Few more tweaks to installer language support and language phrases [#296] [#395 state:resolved owner:dleffler milestone:2.0.3] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/30b3809b13b4e015...
expNinja November 11th, 2011 @ 12:56 PM
(from [97212b383d1ba9338e0bc13abcc13879efd8eff0]) Adds creation of language info file along with creation of a new language [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/97212b383d1ba933...
expNinja November 12th, 2011 @ 05:23 PM
(from [0358c1722511894a3efd170ef7a393628b524b2f]) Updates all php function calls to use gt() vs gettext() (which is not us) and expLang::gettext(), converts all the smarty gettext function calls with gettext modifer for standardization, begins some ecommerce languagization in the process [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/0358c1722511894a...
expNinja November 13th, 2011 @ 06:44 PM
(from [3558a5d8faa6855893189c700a54ab91319ed355]) Updates default language phrase library to include ALL phrases (using a soon to be released tool), includes some updated templates to correct some phrases. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/3558a5d8faa68558...
expNinja November 13th, 2011 @ 09:27 PM
(from [238959b2b59a74527a53d51ec1865a3ca1be4f57]) Full Spanish translation (file), also the two scripts to extract language phrases and auto-translate the current language file. Also adds some blank constant assignements so we don't get errors when running up exponent_bootstrap.php from the command line (instead of a web server). [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/238959b2b59a7452...
expNinja November 14th, 2011 @ 03:16 AM
(from [fea0bd1add92f467f3cf805e4836f1924a8a611d]) Full German translation (file), and a few other minor langauge updates. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/fea0bd1add92f467...
expNinja November 14th, 2011 @ 01:52 PM
(from [a0d11f3b192df620cb9f84557c4d60ea7385d127]) Minor language updates to core controllers, models, models-1, conf/data, root files and assoc, updates to Spanish & German translations. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/a0d11f3b192df620...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 01:00 AM
(from [406a5bb452a2879f88bb14d307dc3e77b3b1acc8]) Adds some missing global variables used by expCSS & expJavascript which may have caused some issues. Also updated some of the 'gettext' formatting in the container views. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/406a5bb452a2879f...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 02:52 PM
(from [fa2c372eaa11cb162ba9b73358952a15626ecb2b]) Language-izes all the 'flash' calls [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/fa2c372eaa11cb16...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 02:52 PM
(from [4ae7d1a78a7baf2a20c65bc8cd2459973005ec19]) Updates language files for all the 'flash' calls [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/4ae7d1a78a7baf2a...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 03:13 PM
(from [95bc6b0448203d74c26afb82dca57cea35bcbbb9]) Updated Language files for all the 'expValidator::failAndReturnToForm' calls [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/95bc6b0448203d74...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 03:13 PM
(from [adb606da17cb72a27411b99e1759908f502d8ffc]) Language-izes all the 'expValidator::failAndReturnToForm' calls [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/adb606da17cb72a2...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 03:25 PM
(from [3be1fe6990e4ee1c3e62ac8da39c710b188bb247]) Language-izes the home page name on an install and the hard-links in coolwater theme. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/3be1fe6990e4ee1c...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 03:57 PM
(from [724764d4b1f12c974cd7a6cf8d59272290aa2f8f]) Cleans up language file by removing obsolete phrases (script updated) and changes espanol filename to one without special characters which was causing issues between OS's [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/724764d4b1f12c97...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 03:59 PM
(from [65e97829906f27f6eef2579419872399a1a58805]) Removes old espanol files [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/65e97829906f27f6...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 04:02 PM
(from [d6a4f121a4b40643b9d98680108316203cacb20c]) Adding the new espanol files [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/d6a4f121a4b40643...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 04:17 PM
(from [4bd5b475210de498c2acfd88a1c1b32dbf72754e]) Updated (and cleaned) language files (English, Spanish, & German) [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/4bd5b475210de498...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 06:15 PM
(from [fa70319c98ff9c26e417f675e9f8e873e3581550]) Better Language-izes {icon} [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/fa70319c98ff9c26...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 06:30 PM
(from [ef02f7e86ef40b0187db1a4110e4e99441708dd5]) Language-izes all of the delete confirmation messages [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/ef02f7e86ef40b01...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 06:31 PM
(from [713e59b87cb3abf4feab6280976f67a95a5e250b]) Language files (English, Spanish, & German) updated for all of the delete confirmation messages [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/713e59b87cb3abf4...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 06:49 PM
(from [521d48ed2923077071e07048101a5c402a812a8d]) Correct Spanish Language file (special characters were mucked in the filename change) and language-izes the permission names. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/521d48ed29230770...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 07:50 PM
(from [56d67947aa1cebaf9e2edc7df46875dd5a6dceb0]) Adds Language selection to the Manage Translations view [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/56d67947aa1cebaf...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 09:25 PM
(from [6223f832695307b2e891351ade068199a48f12f4]) Adds Norwegian (machine) translation [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/6223f832695307b2...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 09:25 PM
(from [87bf699d6356fc687f09d637344e95008f581791]) Cleans up some mis-quoted language phrases [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/87bf699d6356fc68...
expNinja November 15th, 2011 @ 10:38 PM
(from [3f81756a5a49b7813c15c46f147d5a9517a06bd7]) Adds Danish (machine) translation, plus some other language corrections [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/3f81756a5a49b781...
expNinja November 16th, 2011 @ 03:59 AM
(from [b211efdac4102103b792845bd994b6f7211eb77e]) Adds Czech (machine) translation, plus some other language corrections [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/b211efdac4102103...
expNinja November 17th, 2011 @ 03:11 AM
(from [853926f55f4fc9a5525a3611878b0eefb92fdcd7]) Adds some additional language-izing, including some javascript in the php code like the file manager & menu/page hierarchy [#296] [#394] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/853926f55f4fc9a5...
expNinja November 27th, 2011 @ 01:36 AM
(from [41f7cc2ed678e33e64fb66e47aec15cc5ed21254]) Minor updates to Language-izing [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/41f7cc2ed678e33e...
expNinja December 2nd, 2011 @ 11:44 PM
(from [7a5af60090f9c839bef378dac525fec35fa3586b]) Language-izes some text in plugins and controls, also some comment typos fixed [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/7a5af60090f9c839...
expNinja December 3rd, 2011 @ 02:24 AM
(from [f6b6b725500c70a9ab567087c72f174aaeb0cda0]) Adds Finnish translation and updates other translations [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/f6b6b725500c70a9...
expNinja December 7th, 2011 @ 10:08 PM
(from [8f59f7b244e3981c5849e362ad95ecb200e2cc2a]) Language-izes related products template (was looking for another bug and tripped across these) [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/8f59f7b244e3981c...
expNinja December 9th, 2011 @ 07:27 PM
(from [e7c814cb0b979c25006350fe3db26fa42ee01397]) Language-izes word in file control (Limit) [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/e7c814cb0b979c25...
expNinja December 23rd, 2011 @ 06:13 PM
(from [d6272cf0928bf56a49e7b4092b1ffd591170b27b]) Updates control, ddrerank, & icon smarty plugins to assist with translation if not sent to them in the non-english form...HOWEVER, if the construct doesn't run through the |gettext modifier, it probably hasn't been extracted and placed in the phrase library. [#296] https://github.com/exponentcms/exponent-cms/commit/d6272cf0928bf56a...
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