Would be neat to somehow link an item in another module to an
item (in a different module type). e.g., link a blog article to a
filedownload item like we link files to items now.
Probably would:
- operate similar to file attachments
- display 'attachments' as either a simple link to item, a
summary, or entire item (embedded?)
- module config would determine module type, and specific module
(probably a drop-down of module types, then a list of those module
types like we now do for new module and aggregation)
- item edit would probably have a checkbox to attach an item,
then a list of available items to select from (pulled from the
module as selected in module config)
In my particular application, I need a filedownload item as a
podcast with a body holding the podcast outline, AND a blog item
which is a follow-up article (created 1-2 days later) with rss
feed...these two items are tied to the other, but tags/categories
don't suit the massive number of unique pairs (e.g., these are
weekly). I have a custom module which is a massive combination of
all these things, but since I require TWO rss/podcast feeds has
some limitations.