{* * Copyright (c) 2004-2014 OIC Group, Inc. * * This file is part of Exponent * * Exponent is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GPL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * *} {css unique="cal" link="`$asset_path`css/calendar.css"} {/css}
<{$config.heading_level|default:'h1'}> {ical_link} {if $moduletitle && !($config.hidemoduletitle xor $smarty.const.INVERT_HIDE_TITLE)}{$moduletitle}{/if} {if $config.moduledescription != ""} {$config.moduledescription} {/if} {$myloc=serialize($__loc)} {foreach from=$items item=item} {if $item->is_featured == 1} {/if} {foreachelse}
location_data,1,8) != 'calevent'} href="{if $item->location_data != 'event_registration'}{link action=show date_id=$item->date_id}{else}{link controller=eventregistration action=show title=$item->title}{/if}" {/if} >{$item->title}
{*{$item->body|summarize:html:paralinks}*} {$item->body|summarize:html:parahtml}
{permissions} {if substr($item->location_data,0,3) == 'O:8'}
{if $permissions.edit || ($permissions.create && $item->poster == $user->id)} {if $myloc != $item->location_data} {if $permissions.manage} {icon action=merge id=$item->id title="Merge Aggregated Content"|gettext} {else} {icon img='arrow_merge.png' title="Merged Content"|gettext} {/if} {/if} {icon action=edit record=$item date_id=$item->date_id title="Edit this Event"|gettext} {icon action=copy record=$item date_id=$item->date_id title="Copy this Event"|gettext} {/if} {if $permissions.delete || ($permissions.create && $item->poster == $user->id)} {if $item->is_recurring == 0} {icon action=delete record=$item date_id=$item->date_id title="Delete this Event"|gettext} {else} {icon action=delete_recurring class=delete record=$item date_id=$item->date_id title="Delete this Event"|gettext} {/if} {/if}
{/if} {/permissions}
{'No Events'|gettext}
{/foreach} {permissions} {if $permissions.create}
{icon class=add action=edit title="Add a New Event"|gettext text="Add an Event"|gettext}
{/if} {br} {/permissions}