#103 ✓resolved

Three Column View displays linked items in same three column theme layout

Reported by jonnjonzzn | April 20th, 2011 @ 03:53 AM

Description of problem:

Retro theme-based site with Three Column Theme Variation Home (default) page. A blog module in left column on Home containing headline previews of blog posts on site opens blog page(s) in Three Column style of Home page and not two column style of all other site pages.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

Server: Exponent 2.0B1.1 Theme: Retro

OS: Linux (Fedora 14)
Browser(s): Chromium (latest), Firefox 4 (latest)

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
Home page uses Theme Variation: Three Column. All other pages use standard two column theme.

Blog Module in left container with:
Content Action: Show All
Content View: Headlines
aggregates blog posts from other pages on site

Click on blog headlines link.

Actual results:

Linked blog page is displayed in Three Column theme variation not two column blog page.

Expected results:

Linked blog page is displayed as two column blog page.

Additional info:

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • jonnjonzzn

    jonnjonzzn April 27th, 2011 @ 02:42 PM

    • Assigned user set to “expNinja”

    This is the single most complained about issue from my client(s). The blog aggregate on the Home page is their main source of presenting/announcing new site content. They format their blog posts to make them look good with graphics, etc for the two column layout. So the end-users are not seeing the proper layout of their content because 90%+ of the time they are linking from the blog aggregate on Home page to the blog entries.

    If there are indeed "benefits" behind the scenes in Exponent for this behavior it should at least be configurable to allow the linked pages to be displayed using their specified page theme layouts.

  • PadillaAnita

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